Quality made by TerraWay: Driven by Knowledge

The TerraWay® System is based on over three decades of experience in the production of ecologically friendly paving systems for light traffic applications. From the it’s inception the system was continuously developed with quality in mind. The carefully sourced aggregates, highly reliable Binder Systems with optimised content levels, dedicated Research and Development units and long-time competence of the international Partner-Network are testament to the high level of quality made by TerraWay®.

Natural Aggregates: sustainable and appealing 

Quarz, Granite, Basalt or gravel: Natural stones have a clear asthethic appeal to them, and they are equally highly resistant, durable and colourfast. They are therefore the optimal aggregate for our permeable paving solution. For the production of TerraWay® only the best stones from reputable suppliers are choosen. They are subjected to a rigorous testing process before being used in real applications and since displayed the quality. To avoid delays in the installation the most popular aggregates are generally sourced and stocked by our partners.

The aggregates need to be prepared according to our requirements, before the use is possible. To ensure the desired quality of the surface, the stones need to be washed several times and screened for their quality.

Epoxy Resin: Environmentally friendly and odourless

The TerraWay® Binder systems are based on Epoxy Resins and Hardner Systems. Independent studies showed that these systems have no negative effects on humans or the environment. Since the contents of these special Binder Systems are suceptible to humidity and temperature, a particular know-how regarding dosing, safety measures and installation are required. Our proven Recipes allow for individual adaptation to local climate conditions and aggregates. This ensures durable, efficient, and successful installation in any Region.

If you want more detailed information about the TerraWay®, please contact us